Version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.AcknowledgementWe thank K. Ma for critical discussions. Analysis reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Neurological Problems and Stroke from the National Institutes of Well being beneath Award Quantity R01 NS079618 to M.S. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Ailments of the National Institutes of Wellness beneath Award Quantity R01 AR061370, a Mrs. Clifford Elder White Graham Endowed Research Fund Award, and a Gillson Longenbaugh Foundation Award to G. G. R. The content is solely the responsibility from the authors and will not necessarily represent the official views in the National Institutes of HealthNat Commun. Author manuscript; obtainable in PMC 2015 January 16.Pal et al.PageReference List1. Hoffman EP, Brown J, Kunkel LM. Dystrophin: The protein product with the duchenne muscular dystrophy locus. Cell. 1987; 51:91928. [PubMed: 3319190] two. van Deutekom JC, van Ommen GJ. Advances in Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene therapy. Nat. Rev. Genet. 2003; four:77483. [PubMed: 14526374] three. Mariol MC, Segalat L. Muscular degeneration inside the absence of dystrophin is usually a calcium-dependent approach. Present Biology. 2001; 11:1691694. [PubMed: 11696327] four. Whitehead NP, Yeung EW, Froehner SC, Allen DG. Skeletal muscle NADPH oxidase is improved and triggers stretch-induced harm within the mdx mouse. PLoS. One particular. 2010; 20;five:e15354. five. Prosser BL, Khairallah RJ, Ziman AP, Ward CW, Lederer WJ. X-ROS signaling within the heart and skeletal muscle: Stretch-dependent nearby ROS regulates [Ca2+]i. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology.Anti-Mouse CD11a Antibody Biological Activity 2013; 58:17281. [PubMed: 23220288] 6. Gervasio OL, Whitehead NP, Yeung EW, Phillips WD, Allen DG. TRPC1 binds to caveolin-3 and is regulated by Src kinase – function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. J Cell Sci. 2008; 121:2246255. [PubMed: 18544631] 7. Touyz RM, Yao G, Schiffrin EL. c-Src induces phosphorylation and translocation of p47phox: function in superoxide generation by angiotensin II in human vascular smooth muscle cells. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 2003; 23:98187. [PubMed: 12663375] eight. Dalloz C, et al. Targeted inactivation of dystrophin gene product Dp71: phenotypic influence in mouse retina. Hum. Mol. Genet. 2003; 12:1543554. [PubMed: 12812982] 9. De Palma C, et al. Autophagy as a brand new therapeutic target in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.BMVC Protocol Cell Death.PMID:27108903 Dis. 2012; 3:e418:e418. [PubMed: 23152054] 10. Bernardi P, Bonaldo P. Mitochondrial dysfunction and defective autophagy inside the pathogenesis of collagen VI muscular dystrophies. Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol. 2013; 5:a011387. [PubMed: 23580791] 11. Grumati P, et al. Autophagy is defective in collagen VI muscular dystrophies, and its reactivation rescues myofiber degeneration. Nat. Med. 2010; 16:1313320. [PubMed: 21037586] 12. Wu Z, et al. Autophagy Blockade Sensitizes Prostate Cancer Cells towards Src Family members Kinase Inhibitors. Genes Cancer. 2010; 1:409. [PubMed: 20811583] 13. Haynes MP, et al. Src kinase mediates phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt-dependent rapid endothelial nitric-oxide synthase activation by estrogen. J. Biol. Chem. 2003; 278:2118123. [PubMed: 12431978] 14. Katz S, Ayala V, Santillan G, Boland R. Activation on the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway by means of P2Y(2) receptors by extracellular ATP is involved in osteoblastic cell proliferation. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2011; 513:14452. [PubMed: 21763267] 15. Chen S, et al. IBP-mediated suppression of autophagy promotes growth and m.